Well, it looks like our closing date is set for January 25th. There are still a few things that could get us bogged down, but at this point I’m reasonably confident that we’ll be homeowners (well, us and the bank of course) some time in the afternoon of that day.
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Hey, anyone know what’s up with the house on Park? The one that’s on the corner of Park and Siegel? (I can’t remember house numbers for listed houses like Gary can.) The for sale signs are down, but I didn’t notice any “in contract” or “sold” signs before they came down–but then I wasn’t exactly looking. They seemed like a nice couple, with a very adorable toddler, I hope things worked out for them.
Brute force and ignorance works every time! We teamed up like an offensive line on the Seller’s Attorney and got him to agree to the date. He didn’t know what hit him.
1. Congrats!
2. I wouldn’t be surprised if 99 Park (At Siegel) quit. Their price never came down despite the time on the market…
3. Barrique is going to be reviewed in the NYT on Sunday/tomorrow.
4. Go Jets! I’m a Giants fan first, but I’d never root against a NY team (unless it’s the Rangers!).